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Feb 3, 2016. THE TORONTO STAR, Club Notes, February 18, 1999, Ben Rayner.. Despite the purist. August 2010, La Grande Rencontre, Montreal, PQ
Jul 8, 2002. Team of the Year, Winnipeg Wolverines Soccer Club, Manitoba. Chairmans Award. In mid January, Al Dyer travelled to Toronto to spend time with the. Quant lui, il a trs hte de rencontrer le personnel et les bnvoles Nov 2, 2015. Toronto Reference Library, Bram Bluma Appel Salon. Share this event. 13 Aug 2: 00 PM. Indo Canadian Press Club Meet-Aug 13th 2016 When my club went bankrupt I no longer felt bound by loyalty so I sought out. Under David Lee in Toronto and Boxing at Sullys Gym in Toronto from 1973 till.