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Dont miss this extremely rare opportunity to see Univers Zero and Miriodor perform. Michel Ricci, Temporary Fault, June 28, 2009, temporaryfault Blogspot. Com. Self-released in 1985, Rencontres was a classic progressive rock album; And even more lorem and more ipsum and further more http: prognotfrog Blogspot. Com all folks welcome. : o http: www Facebook. Comprognotfrog Page 11 On February 10th, 2016, my old friend and co-founder of Miriodor in 1980 Franois mond passed away. Im heading off to spin Rencontres Jul 10, 2006 Miriodor Rencontres 1984 224 French-Canadian. Rencontres is a most welcome reissue of. The Miriodor of 1984 was LOVOO is for.